Saturday, October 31, 2009

First bath

Clara's first bath.


Emily said...

Oh, I am SO happy! She is beautiful! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!

Kelly said...

Oh, I am so excited for you guys!!! Congratulations! She is absolutely adorable! You are amazing too Anna!! You are my hero for doing everything naturally! Great job!

Evan and Rebecca Jones said...

Congrats! Congrats! She is gorgeous and I'm just so happy for y'all that she's here! I think she looks like you Anna - is that what y'all think too?

So are we talking no epidural?! You are amazing!!! Way to rock labor!

scott, natalie and kids said...

Congratulations Anna and Ben! I became friends with Diana the other day on Facebook and she said you were due any day. Clara is beautiful! Are you still in Murray? That is where we live now.
-Natalie Stoddard (Sheetz)

Jean Danner said...

She is the sweetest babe!