Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I'm a bad blogger. Part of the problem is that lately I've been reading blogs that are really quite entertaining and my blog is not entertaining. Mind you, these are mostly blogs of complete strangers. Why do I read blogs of complete strangers? Well, come sit in my pocket-sized office for a day with roughly 10 minutes of human interaction and hardly any work to do and you'll do stuff like that too. However, in an attempt to periodically update my blog (for posterity and the two people who visit it), here are some snippets from my life.
  • On my birthday, I got a typed agenda from Ben. Yes folks, a typed agenda. It included several renditions of the Happy Birthday song, a shopping trip, a massage and a party. Yup--he's the best.
  • Keynan, my 5 year old nephew, called me at 6:44 one day this week. My alarm wasn't set to go off until 7:00. He knows the speed dial # for me on my sister's phone and I periodically get phone calls from him...just never quite this early. I sleepily answered the phone and a very energetic voice asked me how I was. I mumbled something and then asked if I could call him back. He said sure. When I called him back on my way to work I apologized for not talking to him earlier and told him that I had been asleep. He said, "I realize that Anna."
  • I got a new doormat. This is very exciting. For the past two and half years, I've told Ben I wanted a new welcome mat every other week (or maybe every week or every day--I really don't recall). I wish I would have taken a picture of the old mat before it was lovingly placed in the dumpster. It was one of those mats that carpet stores give away as a free sample. We inherited it from our landlord who used to use our apartment as an office. And let me tell was deeeesgusting. I love my new doormat.
  • I.Want.A.Baby. Nuf said.
  • Ben has a new church calling. Before I tell you what it is, let me remind you that Ben is a macho man. In high school he had a pair of brass knuckles people! That he intended to use! I'll also remind you that Ben's most recent church assignment was the Finance Sunday School teacher--he's smart like that. And he's a stake auditor. And what is his new calling??? Primary chorister. Yup, you read it correctly. Primary Chorister. I've never seen him as mad as he was after he accepted the calling. I have to admit that I was pretty excited--I'm the primary pianist. We get to spend all three hours of church together! Last week was his inaugural Sunday and he did a great job. We'll have to work a little on leading the music on the beat--but seriously, he's gonna do an amazing job.


Danielle said...

Yay! I'm so glad you updated! :D That's so cute about your Birthday, Ben's a keeper ;).
You should post a picture of your new mat!

Missy said...

Ben is quite well-rounded!! I've only heard of a guy being the Primary Choirster once and now twice! That's so crazy! I'm the Primary Choirster so we'll have to swap ideas! :)

diana said...

Awwww! Anna you are so cute! I think you're wrong...your blog is entertaining! I think it's hilarious that Ben is upset about his calling. Just watch...I bet it turns out to be one of his favorite callings! Heavenly Father hardly ever gives us the callings that we want or that we would find "easy" would we grow? :) Anyhoo, I think it's great that you get to spend all of church together because when that baby you want so badly comes, one of you will be spending A LOT of time in the hall! :) Good luck with the baby...I hope it happens SOON! :)

I agree with Danielle, I want to see the mat! I've been wanting a new one for about a year and a half! :)

Evan and Rebecca Jones said...

Woohoo! I LOVE when you update! And way to go Ben for your birthday. I'm loving the mental image you gave about his new calling as Primary chorister...